Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bøger læst i Januar

Årets 12 første bøger!

Andersen, Leif: Jamen, bad jeg da for lidt?, 9/10
Anderson, R.J.: Knife, 9/10

Carey, Jacqueline: Kushiel's Dart, 8/10

Edwards, Nicholas: Dog Whisperer: The Rescue 7/10, ARC

Gregory, Philippa: The Other Boleyn Girl 10/10

Hayden, Torey: Ghost Girl, 7/10

Mass, Wendy: A Mango-Shaped Space, 9/10
McEwan, Ian: Atonement, 7/10

Patterson, James & Ledwidge, Michael: Run for Your Life, 8/10, ARC

Stork, Fransisco X.: Marcelo in the Real World, 9/10, ARC

Turpin, Angela Lam: Legs, 7/10, ARC

Walton, Jo: Farthing, 7/10

Månedens bog: A Mango-Shaped Space. Fascinerende bog om synesthisia.... no clue hvad det hedder på dansk. Synesti måske?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Kids On The Block concert

Okay, the concert.


Despite us arriving in plenty of time before the doors even opened, the tube was still full, and a steady mass of people walked towards the O2. Immediately after we left the station we were met by HUGE signs with "NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK!!!" Mixi took photos, but I haven't had time to get a copy of them yet.

The O2 is impressive! Absolutely HUGE. I'd thought it was "just" a concert hall, but it also has a cinema, tons of restaurants and other shops, so having to waste a couple of hours there was no problem at all. We sat in Starbucks for quite awhile (we'd brought books ;) ) and got chatting to some of the others going to the concert. The woman sitting next to us had bought a programme, and offered that I could look through it, when I asked her how much it was (15 quid for just a bunch of photos? I don't think so!). She was my age or perhaps even a bit older, and was also going for the nostalgia.

The doors opened at 6:30 and we went to find our seats at around 7:30 when the opening act went on. Some American singer, but I have NO clue who she was, because there were no signs anywhere, and if she said, I didn't hear. Not that I really cared - that's not why I came. But it must be such a thankless job to be an opening act. Nobody really cares, they're just waiting for the main attraction to come onstage ;) We had ROTTEN seats. 5th row from the back, waaaay up high, but fortunately a bit out to one side, so we still had a pretty good view over the stage. The atmosphere was terrific though. The opening act ended by taking us through the chorus of "The Right Stuff" and everybody went WILD!

Shortly after 8:30pm New Kids FINALLY came on. Oh. Wow! Sure, I can see all the cheap party tricks for what they were, but the atmosphere was absolutely electric, and I just couldn't get this huge smile off my face and wanted to squeal with excitement. Finally! Naturally they played their comeback for all it was worth, starting by having a voice-over say "15 years ago they walked away. Now they're back. Are you ready to PARTY?!?!?!?!?" Cue thousands of women SCREAMING their heads off. Damn if it wasn't infectious. And I was excited enough as it was ;)

It was interesting to see that the songs from the Step By Step album were clearly the most popular (even if they had changed the rap bit of Games so I couldn't sing along to that any longer. Unfair! ;) ) and definitely the songs where the audience was most "on". ESPECIALLY Step By Step which was the first encore. At one point it goes "Step One - we can have lots of fun. Step Two - there's so much we can do. Step Three - it's just you and me. Step Four - I can give you more. Step Five - don't you know that the time has arrived." NKOTB just sang the "Step 1/2/3/4/5" bit and left it to the audience to shout the reply. Fun! And what a rush it must actually be for them to have people still remember their almost 20-year-old hit! :-D Or perhaps I'm just naive and they're used to it. I'd like to think not though ;)

It. Was. Amazing. I was absolutely high on adrenalin afterwards, and made sure to call Lars as soon as I could make myself be heard, so he could still hear it in my voice. I'm not sure I'd travel abroad to go to a concert with them again (if I do, I'd HAVE to have better seats, that's for sure!), but should they ever make it to Denmark despite my expectations? I'm definitely going.

A 17-year long dream fulfilled... and it was SO worth it.

As for the rest of the weekend? Wicked was good (but not great), seeing Lauren again WAS great, I had lots of fun hanging out with Mixi and as always spent far too much money... (especially as Zavvi had a clearout sale meaning everything was 25% off. I'm actually quite proud of myself that I ended up buying only 6 DVDs! ;-) ). Yup, I had a blast!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Jeff Dunhaaaaam dot com

I'll type up my BRILLIANT weekend shortly, but first something a bit more important.

Check out this link!!!!!


Yes, that had to be shouted.


That deserved an even louder shout.

9 tickets, row 7, seats 4-12. We don't know yet exactly who's going other than Henni, Mixi and I (Lars may have a shift but is working like mad to get rid of it), but we have no doubt that we'll be able to get people for the rest of them as well... even at the insanely high prices asked.

I don't care.


*dances around madly*

Okay, *phew* I'm ready to quiet down a bit now. Mixi was SO cute when I called her.
Me: "Are you doing anything on April 11th?"
Her: "No...?"
Me: "Are you online?"
Her: "Yes...?"
Me: "Go on MSN - I'm sending you a link."
*background noises alerting me that the message went through. Short pause*
Her: "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!!!!!!!!"
Her: "Even if I HAD been doing something, I'm certainly not now."
Her: "Squeeeeeeeeee!!!!! I can't believe it!!!!"
... and the rest was at a level only dogs could her.

She's adorable :-D

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Our 2009 Adventure

(Taget fra e-mail)
Like my subject line says, 2009 started with quite an adventure... although I'm not sure 'adventure' is the right word, as that indicates something pleasant, and that's not exactly what I'd call this!

Lars and I took the train home from Henni's place yesterday. We left at around 2am, so this was probably 20'ish minutes later. We had gotten off one train at a transit station and was waiting for the one that'd take us home. The train before ours was 10 minutes late, and when it arrived, we discovered why - some guy found it great fun to pull the emergency break at every station, and wouldn't let the doors close when it was time for the train to leave the station. Some of the other passengers had had enough of this, and attempted to throw him off the train at this station. He'd have none of it though, and dragged one of the others off with him, trying to start a fight. Stoned Guy (SG) was about my size, and Good Guy (GG) even bigger than Lars, so I don't really know what SG was thinking of, but he was OBVIOUSLY on something and therefore fearless. GG handled it so well, put up his hands to show he didn't want to fight, tried to calm down SG instead of using force on him, and generally impressed me by his actions. SG wouldn't leave him alone though, so finally he (GG) asked for somebody to call the police. Lars' and my train had arrived by now, but Lars didn't feel comfortable leaving, so we let it go. At this point another hot-head decided to join the fray and thought the way to subdue SG was to knock him out, so Lars rushed over to help GG keep the two apart. HotHead fortunately quickly decided he had better things to do and Lars and GG managed to get SG cornered (literally) and held him against the corner while Lars called one of his colleagues who was at work. At work they have a direct line to the police, so he knew they'd respond quicker that way, and true enough - two minutes later 7 policemen came running and took care of the situation.

SG claimed the police should arrest Lars and GG instead for "unlawful detention" and "picking fights" (hmmm... two very calm guys of around 6'7" and +200lb vs. one aggressive 5'7"/120lb, drugged up guy who was yelling insults at the police... wonder who they are going to believe).

Lars and GG was asked to give their statement and asked if they wanted to press charges. Naturally they didn't - they hadn't been harmed, but just wanted SG away from 'the public'. The police got their phone numbers, but didn't expect anything else to come of it, and walked away with SG - hopefully to let him get whatever drug he'd taken out of his system in the detention.

We'd missed 2 trains because of all this, so ended up coming home 40 minutes later than expected (making it 3:40am by this time - Lars had been up since 5:30am! I felt so sorry for him!), but I have to say, I was SO proud of Lars for jumping in to help like that. It's something I've always hoped I'd be ready to do if the situation called for it, but I know very well that I'm neither big enough nor strong enough, so might actually do more harm than good (which is frustrating when I want to help... especially when nobody else seems about to do anything), whereas Lars has the strength and 'leverage' needed.

There was never any danger, but I was still fairly shaken afterwards, and was glad we had the ride home to talk the experience through and get it sorted out before heading off to bed.

So there you have it - my first "exciting" experience of 2009... happening just 2.5 hours into the new year.


(Taget fra e-mail)
As usual I had a wonderful New Year's Eve at Henni's place. We ended up being 8 people in total, though one of the others had to leave around 10'ish, and as usual had a brilliant time. Mixi joined us this year which was excellent, and despite being around 10 years younger than the others, she didn't seem to have any problems fitting in and looked like she was having lots of fun. I'm glad! It was great spending the evening with her.

So lots of good food, happy people, yummy drinks and good fun - how could it not be great? :) Like last year we ended up playing a couple of games of Bezzerwisser after dinner, and like last year I rocked! :D It's funny, really. I generally absolutely suck at knowledge games (hate Trivial Persuit) and Lars has no problems at all beating me, but on NYE I shine ;)

Somehow we'd got talking about old LP albums, and as an aside I mentioned to Mixi, "Oh, by the way, thanks to Dad I've managed to get hold of Le Papa Pengouin as an mp3 if you're interested?"
Frode: "Le Papa Pengouin?"
Lars to Frode: "Don't ask her about the song! She'll just start singing it!"
Me: Sheesh! It's just an old song my sisters and I used to listen to all the time. I think it was Luxembourg's contribution to the Eurovision Grand Prix in 1982.
Frode: "Ah, you mean starts singing *Le Papa Pengoin, le Papa Pengouin, le Papa, le Papa le Papa Pengoin*?"
Me and Mixi: Clapping, ROARING with laughter. YES! You are so cool!!!!
Frode: Pshaw! Who doesn't know that song?!

Frode won the award for the coolest dude ever that day :-D

Bøger læst i december

Det er alt for lang tid siden jeg har opdateret her sidst, og nu har jeg pludselig en masse at skrive, så for ikke at gøre dette 'entry' alt for langt, splitter jeg det op i flere korte.

Først my favourite - den månedlige opsummering :) Jeg kan hermed sige jeg har læst 244 bøger og 61540 sider i 2008!

Colfer, Eoin: Artemis Fowl 6 - The Time Paradox, Dec 2008, 7/10
Collins, Wilkie: The Woman in White, Dec 2008, 9/10

Flagg, Fannie: A Redbird Christmas, Dec 2008, 6/10

Gabaldon, Diana: A Breath of Snow and Ashes, Dec 2008, 9/10
Garry, Patrick M.: Saving Faith, Dec 2008, 5/10
Golding, Julia: Dragonfly, Dec 2008, 10/10

Hayden, Torey: Beautiful Child, Dec 2008, 8/10

Lassiter, Rhiannon: Bad Blood, Dec 2008, 6/10
Livingston, Lesley: Wondrous Strange, Dec 2008, 8/10

Meyer, Stephenie: Eclipse, Nov 2008, 10/10

Nafisi, Azar: Reading Lolita in Tehran, Dec 2008, 6/10

Rosenthal, Amy Krouse: Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life, Dec 2008, 7/10

Scruggs, Cheryl & Jeff: I Do Again, Dec 2008, 10/10
Setterfield, Diane: The Thirteenth Tale, Dec 2008, 9/10

Weber, Lenora Mattingly: Meet the Malones, Dec 2008, 8/10

Månedens bog: Enten The Woman in White eller The Thirteenth Tale - begge var helt fantastiske.