Thursday, March 27, 2008

Request for review

Last night I received an email at my gmail account addressed to "Dear Editor". First I thought it was spam (either conscious or unconscious), but it turned out it was somebody who'd seen my "site" (not sure if it was bogormen or abookgeek, but assume the latter) who wants me to review his book! :-O It's happened once before, but still it amazes me to get letters like that!

I replied with the following:
I'd be interested in reviewing your book "Down to a Sunless Sea" on the following conditions:

1) You (or your publisher) send me a copy of your book free of charge. I write reviews as a volunteer and can therefore not have any expenses. Some publishers are not willing to ship abroad, so as I live in Denmark, this may be an issue.

2) I retain copyright of my review. However, you are free to publish or quote it, as long as my name is mentioned.

3) In return I commit myself to reading and reviewing your book within 4 weeks of receiving it.

If these terms are acceptable to you, let me know, and I will send you my address.

I was thinking about getting a PO Box if this continues, but then went to the webpage and discovered a box costs 1875DKK (~US$375) A YEAR! Never mind then.

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